"Everybody can be great ... because anybody can serve ... you only need a heart full of grace and a soul generated by love." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Letter From Jason S. to Robert S.

When two years ago we came together as partners, mired in anxiety and naked in pride, we stood together as equals. We dedicated ourselves to the fulfillment of a shared vision- to help each other reach our individual fulfillment through communal means in order to achieve the peace and security essential to our pursuits to happiness. We, of the company, and all included, pledged ourselves, with our words and our actions, to drive toward this common goal together to self-realization and self-sufficiency.

Our coming together did not stop there. Instinctively, we all realized a deeper sense of purpose – the need to find through the practice of business and shared knowledge, the instrument of our united purpose leading to greater success for all.

We, as a group of people and a company, sensed the truth that our future economic success was somehow bound together by forces unknown and unseen to solve problems once considered unsolvable. However, we would not admit that we did not know the way or held the answers that would lead us to true economic partnership. We refused to leave our welfare and individual destinies to chance and circumstance.

But with every chapter, there is an end and a new beginning. And we are writing ours.

We do so with the foreknowledge of past failures and renewed hope. We will find a way. Out of the ashes of chaos and loss, let us find respect and admiration for each other and begin again with restored vigor.

Today let us invoke the spirit of brotherhood and harmony among us.

Two years of shared experience has not left us without concern. We continue to seek for answers to past questions and solutions to the present problems confronting us. We will find a way. A way to proceed with prudence, sharing in the labors needed for the times, while protecting our security and individual freedoms.

All of us recognize that there are complexities in our human relationships together, therefore the need for effective communication, in the same spirit of brotherhood and harmony, must also increase in this new chapter. We come together as men intent on securing our future freedom and the freedom of future generations. This is an important meeting.

Our progress out of our current economic and social conditions is obvious and necessary. Our intent was not to do a patchwork job with secondhand materials, but this has been our financial challenge. Someday, I hope that it will become our pride to see how far we’ve come with so little. None of this would have been possible had we not come together in the beginning in our spirit of other-centeredness. Let us continue to build on this foundation for the better use of future generations. Our example will be that of illustrious men, able to set aside differences, and achieve goals for ourselves and those in our company.

To that end, and for that purpose, we have been helped by achievements of mind and spirit. We have listened for the answers and they have come ever so slowly through understanding. So let us continue to seek greater understanding. We now know the effects of losing sight of our brotherhood, and putting self-interest in its place. We now know that it is bad for business and bad for blood. Out of the collapse of the old structure, let us build a new one, using pillars that stand apart, but serve the same purpose. Let us use our past experiences as lessons to build upon with optimism and hope.

In this new era, things formerly accepted will not be so easily condoned. We are moving toward an age of good feeling. And we realize that there can be no peace in good feelings without good will, respect and generosity toward each other in whatever post or position we may occupy.

For these reasons, I am justified in believing that the greatest lesson that we may have learned from this past experience is being able to move on. Perhaps, a greater lesson will be learned as we gain a broader perspective of our history together. May there be a happy ending to the tale of two brothers.

Men of good will, discipline and sacrifice, together we offer a richer life and the potential for greater satisfaction as we continue to rise and achieve together. We have set our feet upon the path of enduring progress and future success. That was our first achievement together.

Should we stop now and be content with our present harmony? Should we look forward at the road ahead and wonder if it’s worth continuing on together as we planned? Realizing that there are far greater things at stake then the success of a business.

Or can we look forward to a new day of attempts? Can we move forward with courage and confidence, in each other, as well as our common efforts? Our horizons have been extended and our perspectives broadened. Let us use this to find the Way.

Our present gains were attained under great pressure of extraordinary circumstances by ordinary men. The common man does not know what we have gone through together. Let us pray that these days are behind us as we focus on progress under control.

To maintain our forward momentum, however, is more difficult. Our history can become an obstacle and a hindrance. Our mistakes, both personally and professionally, are waiting in ambush in the bushes of our opponents. These are the days ahead and our prosperity depends on our solidarity. Our present circumstance already tests the resolve of our mission and purpose.

Let us ask ourselves: Have we reached the goal of our shared vision of two years ago and pledge upon by our common bond as reflected on our business cards.

I see a great future, for both of us, extending far beyond our borders and natural abilities. I see a great company of men and women that share a vision and caused an industry to shift in its movement.

But there are many challenges ahead as previously mentioned, as well as others. Our financial situation has not yet improved. Our tools are still incomplete. And in my case, I am carrying the burden of debt. This weighs on my conscious as I stare at the great responsibility that lies ahead. But I look ahead with a glare of courage and great determination, as I have ever seen. And I am prepared to continue on as a man crossing thin ice, with prudence.

If I know anything about yours or my will, we will not accept anything less than achievement. And we may even start becoming a real pain in the sides of our opponents if our situation calls for it. We will not be kept down or held back. This is our resolution. Adapt and Overcome.

Today, let us agree to build upon this new foundation of long-cherished ideals of strong family bonds, mutual respect and admiration. Let us grow together, but stand apart as separated companies working to achieve a common and prosperous end.

To achieve our purpose will require a great deal of patience in dealing with differing opinions and a great deal of humility. Moving past the confusion, let us find our own voices in the unity of the choir, toward a greater understanding of our common needs.

I accept and honor your position at the helm of the G.O.N. I accept it as what was meant to be and is. I support you in your decisions and will do my best to offer sound counsel when asked for it.

I stand behind my word that I will not compete against you along the lines of the G.O.N choosing to respect the boundaries that have created themselves over the past several months.

However, I move forward under the assumption of peace and brotherly intent to see fulfillment of my own purpose, as well as yours, as it coincides with our mutual affairs. Let it also be known that I will not let any obstacle, personal or profession, stand in the way of my pursuit for happiness or prosperity; for myself and my company. My obligation to those that I have made promises must be fulfilled.

While this obligation rests upon my shoulders, and steals away hours of my sleep and years of my life, I enter into this duty with foreknowledge of the necessary sacrifices needed to follow through.

Finally, I end with a statement that I am as flawed and undetermined as any man that I have ever known. I am just a man. But I hereby swear to do my best, in all areas of my responsibility, as set forth by my principles, my values and my reliance upon Divine guidance to help each of us find the light that leads the way to our future success. God bless you and our future.


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